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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Family Guy

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I`ve seen every episode twice, and I love Family Guy. I think it`s the best show on T.V, with Trailer Park Boyz a close second. I never found the Simpson`s, King of the Hill or Futerama as "LOL" fuinny as family guy. And I love the wittyness of many of the jokes. Also, the flash backs with Peter.

"Hey Brian, check this out there's a message in my Alphabit`s it says...OOOOOOO"

"Peter, those are Cheerios"

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I`ve seen every episode twice, and I love Family Guy. I think it`s the best show on T.V, with Trailer Park Boyz a close second.

Switch that around, Trailer Park Boy"s" is funnier. FG is pretty halarious watched ever episode at least 3-4 times on hockey trips and such.

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I caught an episode of Trailer Park Boys on BBC USA the other week and I didn't see the appeal. It wasn't very funny.

One thing about that show Kosy is that it has a storyline, so to randomly watch an episode would not do it justice. Its brilliant, stupid at times, but the characters are so screwed up and have such levels to them that its wicked.

I think ya have to watch them in continually. I didn't really like them much either, but most great shows aren't great off the bat, they need a sesaon or 2 for the characters to develop. And TPB was not nearly as funny 2 years ago as it is now.

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Julian probablly, I'm pretty sure there only showing the first season there right now. If you download a Season 4 episode you would laugh your ass off. The Samqantch one is my favorite.

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The only funny thing about that show is bubbles.

It's great when he is taking the eye test and there telling to read the stuff and he can't he's like "F*** I don't like this game, F***** christ let's play a different game" It's classic.

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