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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recovery Drink in between tryouts?

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I was always taught to do 0.6 grams per pound but that was just what was needed, not for muscle building or anything. Not that I really pay much attention to my diet, I just try to eat anything in my messed up schedule.


That might be helpful for any meal planning kovalchuk71.

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I was always taught to do 0.6 grams per pound but that was just what was needed, not for muscle building or anything. Not that I really pay much attention to my diet, I just try to eat anything in my messed up schedule.


That might be helpful for any meal planning kovalchuk71.

1.5-1.7g per kg for strengthy training athletes.

i think 1.3-1.5 g per kg for endurance athletes.

I remember 1.5 grams per pound. The trick is that the body can not take that much protein in 3 meals a day. It can only absorb so much protein at a time, and any excess just goes down the toilet. So you have to space it out in perhaps 6 meals a day.

thats not true at all. you should always be eating 6-7 meals a day anyway, the 3 meal structure is not ideal.

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I'm pretty sure that's an unnecessary amount of protein. I could have sworn that the max amount of protein the human body can handle in a given instance is around 30-35 grams.

1-3 gram per kilogram i believe is what is considered "optimal"

I think that's the optimal amount over the course of a day. I believe the body can only truly absorb 30-35 an hour or something like that.

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