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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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weird blue stains on socks

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after skating? i'll take a pic with them on right now, actually i will maybe tommorow i guess, digital camera needs to be charged and cellphone isnt good enough really.

im wearing grafs btw, im wondering what this is from? i never noticed till i cleaned out my bag and there are like 16 pairs of socks and they all have blue on them

i have no idea about any foot lingo so i dont really know how ot describe where it is except its on the inside and outside of each foot like right around were your toes start

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Probably just the black dye in your skates bleeding into your socks. My (And all others that I've seen) 1052s, that had that composite flap on the outsides of the forefoot, the white strip of the outsole portion turns blue.

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P.S. Just another reason to NOT wear Graf.

I'm hopefully leaving the Graf and going to something else this summer since i will have my own job and pay for my own skates. But the information and the fears are going into a different thread i will probably make tommorow if the snow day continues.

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maybe a smurf used your sock to jackoff.

And there goes Rule 34 of the internet.

So is the stain like a dark blue like dye? Or is it a light blue like the stuff used in tampon commercials?

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A buddy on my team wears one90s and all of his socks have the same blue colour on the heel as you said, it must be something from the inside of the skate

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maybe a smurf used your sock to jackoff.

And there goes Rule 34 of the internet.

So is the stain like a dark blue like dye? Or is it a light blue like the stuff used in tampon commercials?

dark blue

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