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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Width

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I am thinking of moving to a new skate because my heel slips out when taking a hit. The problem is that overall I love my skates. The width is great for me and I love the radius and feel of the CCM E holder and steel. I also LOVE the skate lock. I was thinking of the new One95 and after talking a bit to JR and the more I thought about it, I was changing too much. My next thought, therefore, is the RBK 9K Pump. Same basic fit and same steel and same skate lock. The added pump though would, thoretically, lock in my ankle better.

Ok.. that being said... two questions:

1. My skates are too long now (9.5). I should move to a 9. What is the difference in width from a 9.5D to a 9D?

2. How well does the 9K Pro Armour out sole mold to your foot when baked? The Vector pro's steel mesh was amazing for this.

Thanks for your input!

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I thought I'd let you know that if you had heel slippage in the Vector I can almost guarantee you'll have heel slippage in the 9K. I had to sell my 9Ks as the heel felt cavernous.

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When does the u+ go on sale? But I do think they are fugly!!!

:huh: they haven't hit the stores yet, so therefore it would run logic not to expect them to go on sale for quite a while or am I missing something here?

They may be fugly, but on the other hand it's hockeyskates and not your patent-leather shoes. It's not about looks, right?

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I keep on telling you to give the U+ a shot, but you say they're too ugly. Don't ask for my advice if you're not going to use it. :huh:

doesnt that drive you nuts? jebus!

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I loved my Vector Pros...and they are ugly too! width D is my fit in them...9k's were too wide in D, and I don't like the pump...as JR said, I'd wait for the U+.

The only thing that makes me think about the One95 is, that they should be stiffer...but maybe too deep for me. JR, if you are reading this...the Vector 10s were all a bit softer than my Vector Pros...how do the Pros compare to the U+ ?

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