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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grand Theft Auto 4

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Anyone playing Lost and the Damned yet?

I just bought it and added it to my download queue so it'll start downloading when I get home today.

Looks like new content is finally on its way.

"The Lost and Damned" trailer is on XBL for download. Doesn't follow Niko, but I'm excited for it, so long as it's not too expensive.

i read somewhere that it was free...not really sure how that works, i also don't believe it. I've never downloaded any additions to games before, how much do these things usually run?

1600 MS Points, so $20.

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I started playing it. The feature to get health and repairs seems pretty cool, the clubhouse and ability to phone in guns too.

I'm not sure how I'm going to like having gang members die and be replaced, as well as the limited number of gang bikes.

Too early for me to tell how it is compared to IV, but they did add an airport to the map!

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This download is taking forever.

Airport? As in one you can go in and not get 4 stars?

Download took me 20 minutes for 1.7Gb, love my connection!

Apparently I'm on crack, I thought the airport on the right of Broker was new, I guess I just didn't go there in IV at all. Niko's first apartment and Roman's cab shop are both not burned down, so I'm thinking the story line parallels IV somehow, especially since Niko did a couple missions with The Lost.

Game has a lot more of a gritty feel to it. Absolutely love the sawed off shotgun, absolutely hate the fact you need to ride around on hogs most of the time. Bikes were so much better in SA.

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I DL'd it at 6pm, I have a feeling it had to do with traffic on XBL. I pull 17000 mbps.

It's pretty cool how the stories intersect. Had to do the heroin run for Elizabeta with Niko and Playboy X. You have to go down while they went up on the roof.

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