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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate punching?

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Can punching be done @ home? Or does it require special equipment?

curious if heating a spot with a heat gun & then applying some spot pressure (or a hitting it with a hammer maybe :)) could take care of a hot spot?

I keep getting a blister in the same spot (seems to be a common place - inside of the foot under the bone)...

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Skate punching is basically compressing the padding using a press like this one:


This press is angled to be able to get into the boot. The constant pressure of the press is what really does the trick. Gradually increasing the pressure till the amount of padding needed to be compressed is reached.

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just keep in mind that blisters are caused by friction. so punching a boot may not be the answer for all.

so what is the answer? it's inside of the arch, so I guess it's arch collapsing causes movement & friction

I though if I get the boot out of the way it'd help?

the other option would be small arch supporting insole - but are there any like that?

I trid superfeet & got blister WITH them so it doesn't appear to be the answer?

Also how long does the punch press take?

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Contrary to popular belief punching a boot isn't compressing the foam /padding. Most padding has memory and returns back to normal after the pressure is removed. With a leather boot you are actually stretching the leather. In the newer synthetic boots heat is needed to stretched and expand the exterior of the boot.

The answer(s)..... go to a reputable dealer/LHS if that is not available you can also find relief by adding padding or a filler to the problem area of foot. Place foot in boot tie it tight and heat just the specific area of the boot that needs stretched.

Much better to go through the process a few times than over stretch the boot.

Good Luck!!

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Place foot in boot tie it tight and heat just the specific area of the boot that needs stretched.

Much better to go through the process a few times than over stretch the boot.

thanks for the advise!

as far as heating the boot - I suppose regular hair drier would work as suggested by others?

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I don't quite understand the phrase "inside of foot under the bone" can you be more detailed about that. I guess you said "inside of the arch" - So are you saying the bliser is on the bottom of the foot? - and another person said, "punching may not be the answer because blisters are caused by friction". I assume what he means is that if friction is causing the problem, there already seems to be movement of the foot, making the boot bigger by punching may not help this problem - because it would cause even more "movement" - Maybe some new sports foot insert from Walgreens, its like superfeet but not as expensive.

I sometimes do "self punches" by putting a certain thickness of duct tape on my foot where a problem is, then heat the boot in that area and put it on. Then when it cools the duct tape will stop it from contacting all the way - and make the boot a little wider in that area.

Also how many times have you got the blister 2 or 3 times, are these new skates? Sometimes things go away by themselves in a couple weeks of skating if they are new.

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I don't quite understand the phrase "inside of foot under the bone" can you be more detailed about that. I guess you said "inside of the arch" - So are you saying the bliser is on the bottom of the foot? - and another person said, "punching may not be the answer because blisters are caused by friction". I assume what he means is that if friction is causing the problem, there already seems to be movement of the foot, making the boot bigger by punching may not help this problem - because it would cause even more "movement" - Maybe some new sports foot insert from Walgreens, its like superfeet but not as expensive.

I sometimes do "self punches" by putting a certain thickness of duct tape on my foot where a problem is, then heat the boot in that area and put it on. Then when it cools the duct tape will stop it from contacting all the way - and make the boot a little wider in that area.

Also how many times have you got the blister 2 or 3 times, are these new skates? Sometimes things go away by themselves in a couple weeks of skating if they are new.

sorry I wasn't clear - the blister in inside of arch closer to the side then the bottom.

and I first got it when I had superfeets in skates (that I later removed because they were taking way too much volume - I was getting lace bite)

got it 3 weeks ago but never stopped skating (total of maybe 10 hrs on ice) so it never healed properly - maybe that's the reason...

maybe time off in in order instead to let the blister heal & then try again?

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that blister happend to me because I have flat feet ( hardly no arch ) and one time I tried to put an orthotic with a higher arch in my skate. So I got blisters on both insides of my arches - when I took out the orthotic everything was good again.

It looks like the superfeet arch may have caused it, and your right never healed properly, but if your getting fresh blisters there still maybe an issue. I guess you could try letting it heal for 3 or 4 days, and wear a band-aid a few times after that, or a little duct tape in the arch of you foot before you put on socks.

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Place foot in boot tie it tight and heat just the specific area of the boot that needs stretched.

Much better to go through the process a few times than over stretch the boot.

thanks for the advise!

as far as heating the boot - I suppose regular hair drier would work as suggested by others?

Yes..... Hair drier should be fine.

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as Devotee said and i should mention also, on the outside of my boot there is actually a bulge (in the outsole). Nothing significant but it definitely worked pretty well so far. I was a little freaked when i saw the bulge but it has somewhat become less overtime.

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Trim the footbed, as in use scissors to cut the part of the foot bed which rises up into the arch of your foot. This usually does the trick. If not prepare an old broken hockey stick, use the smooth end of the stick, probably the knob end. Heat the area of concern, once it is very hot to touch but before you are bruning the boot place the boot over the stick and pull down on it, work all around the affected area of the boot(if you only have a hair drier then try it, but a proper heat gun pumps out a lot more heat and is therefore more effective - anything in Mission below Wicked 3, 5500, 550, has limited effect.

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thanks for suggestions guys - much appreciated!

I have flat feet so it's probably superfeets that caused the problem

Dont you have 1500's?

If so i dont think punching them out is such a good idea.

I do, but it's my backup pair now - I came across a very cheap pair of brand new XXXX a few feeks ago - couldn't resist - now "paying the price" breaking them in... :)

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