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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where to buy Vapor XXX Lite Sticks

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Does anyone know where I can order some Vapor XXX Lite Right Handed Sticks 87 and 102 Flex? I have searched all over the internet and can find nothing.

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I might have a almost new pro stock team canada Bertram XXX with a P92 curve if your interested.

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my local shop in NJ had a bunch of 102 flex ones in all different curves for $120 last week. they dont have an online store, but if you call, i bet they'd ship to you. www.ice-land.com. i think they had at least PM9, P91, and P92 in RH last time i was in there. no 87 flex though.

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Does anyone know which one might be closest to the Lindros curve at East/West. I called and the rep said maybe the Azevedo? Is anyone familiar w/ this type? Looking for mid to heel or just mid. Thanx!

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