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Evolution of hockey video games

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Here's something cool I found, it shows the evolution of hockey video and computer games over the last 20 years. Although there are no downloads or anything, the pics (screen shots and cover shots) are interesting nevertheless and speak for themselves. Enjoy the ride back in time!

Evolution of hockey video games

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my favorite was the mutatn league hockey. It was kool just obliterating another player, and at intermitions you get to blow up the ice dancers.

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my favorite was the mutatn league hockey. It was kool just obliterating another player, and at intermitions you get to blow up the ice dancers.

that had to be the best game ever made. It was so funny when a player would fall through holes in the ice and you could see them floating. That and when you would hit one of the skeleton players so hard they would explode. Or when you would get in a fight and the guy who lost got another penaly for losing. Hands down the best hockey game.

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Wow, how many of those did I think were so great when they came out?!? :P

That was a pretty cool little history of the games. Don't you young guys complain about crappy graphics and game play ever again! Back in my day....

Who remembers pong hockey?

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I still haven't seen the roller hockey game... I actually wanted to post that they should make it. I'd love to see an NHL street where you could move from in-lines to Pond hockey for various levels. A deke system much like NBA street. I think it'd be awesome for an Arcadish hockey game.

Way too many memories there, I remember STanley Cup hockey for SNES because the players were always LH and RH. I wish they brought back the intermission updates like they had in.... I believe NHL '94 had it then they would cut in and give highlights of other games. I loved that.

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The EA from 91 was the best, 90 was only ok. I'm pretty sure our PIM record was well over 1k combined in that one.

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i still have that activision ice hockey game for atari 2600. it was like pong with hockey sticks. so aweful and so fun. my atari is still hooked up, stuff is awesome. ea '94 for snes is still my fav.

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Nice website find Petey....

I never knew they made a roller hockey game, they should make one now.

The RHI game for the SNES was an identical game engine to Stanley Cup Playoffs for SNES. They just made it 4-on-4, removed the bluelines, and tinted the ice a blue-ish color. I rented it once and loved it but couldn't find it anywhere to buy. If anyone knows where to find it, PM me.

I'll have to admit that I don't care much for the hockey games on the newer systems. Almost too realistic and too much thought goes into playing the game. I enjoyed the simpler EA NHL games for SNES and N64. Big props go to Ice Hockey for NES. I always played USA (5 thin guys) vs Russia (5 fat guys). :D

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