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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Hockey News Undisputed MVP

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The numbers are pretty amazing:

- 65 goals

- 112 points

- 4 goals, 11 points vs Carolina this year

- 6 goals, 12 points vs Atlanta this year

- 6 goals, 10 points vs Ottawa this year

- 10 multiple point games the last 16 games of the year for a total of 17 goals and 29 points

- 51 of 65 goals came under Boudreau

Many said that he had to make the playoffs to clinch it...but that is a moot point as they point out in the article.

Sorry Evgeni "slewfoot" Malkin...but I hope you don't get a single vote. AO is king this year.

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I have to agree with that one, Malkin did have a good year and I'm not knocking the Caps team at all but Ovy didn't have as much help imo either. He was definitley more valuable to his team.

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I see. Didn't read the article, but since you only made mention of Malkin, Ovechkin and the MVP I just assumed.

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