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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Steen's Pro Pattern

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Does anyone have a pic of steen's pro pattern and lie?

I think I've heard it's close to a Drury, but I was JW how close?



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it's a VERY similar to a retail Drury, but a touch more open closer to the heel. i'd probably say his lie is about a 5.5, and a flex around 90-95ish.

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it's a VERY similar to a retail Drury, but a touch more open closer to the heel. i'd probably say his lie is about a 5.5, and a flex around 90-95ish.

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Does anyone have a pic of steen's pro pattern and lie?

I think I've heard it's close to a Drury, but I was JW how close?



Have U+ pro stock. Close to Drury indeed. I'd say lie 6 though.

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I would say its kind of similar to the retail Drury but starts kicking out earlier near the heel and has more loft. I was trying it out and I think the true lie is closer to 6.5. Take a look at these pictures and how high his hand is at the end of the stick for shooting. Also his sticks are labelled as "stiff" - around 100 flex



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