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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick comparison

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well im caught between the mission v-hex and the easton st. Ive heard both have had good durabiltity but i would like to hear from people who have tried both or have any reviews for these sticks thanks in advance for any help and replies

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I'm a big fan of the V-Hex personally. Unbelievable feel, lightweight, great balance.. The only thing I've seen with them is not quite blades chipping... but breaking down internally, and getting "spongy" with heavy use. The Easton ST just never had any appeal to me personally, every time I would pick one up I wasn't a fan. To me it was a little blade heavy and very "girthy" feeling. With Easton's I tended to use more SL/SE's, and CNT Stealth.

Another good option would be the V-Hex 2 (2 pc. shaft/tapered blade), for generally $20 less than both the V-Hex OPS, and the ST you get essentially the same bells n whistles as the V-Hex ops, with the option to replace the blade when it inevitably goes soft. Anyways, I hope I could help.... Good luck!

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Hex blade chips. ST is more solid.

the old Hex blade had problems with chipping. Sargy made sure that the perimeter cord was reinforced ALL the way around the blade on the VHEX.

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I would say no, considering majority of OPS' are just fused 2 pieces. There isn't any compromise in performance with a Dolomite vs. Dolomite 2.

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Depending on how hard you look, you can still get the ST with the triple I-beam blades on closeout. They went to a dual I-beam this year. I'm still not sold on Mission sticks.

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