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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New to Hockey (Help!)

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I have always been a huge fan of Hockey, however never got the chance to play. Now at 35 I have been invited to start. I don't own inline skates or any hockey gear. However I am really excited to start.

So here are my questions:

1. How can I get started?

2. Were can I find gear, I am 6ft 6in 275lbs.

3. What gear do I need to start?

Thanks for any advise you can provide.

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I have always been a huge fan of Hockey, however never got the chance to play. Now at 35 I have been invited to start. I don't own inline skates or any hockey gear. However I am really excited to start.

So here are my questions:

1. How can I get started?

2. Were can I find gear, I am 6ft 6in 275lbs.

3. What gear do I need to start?

Thanks for any advise you can provide.

If your going to try ice you could go to your closest rink and ask about beginner programs or any pickup hours that need players. Some groups are more than willing to help someone starting to play.

As far as gear you don't need to get top end stuff. For basic protection low end stuff will work. Then if you get really into it you can upgrade as you go

on. I would suggest go to a hockey shop and get help with sizes.

Basics would be:

Helmet, Elbow pads, Shoulder pads, Gloves, Pants, Shin guards, Skates, and Jock.

I have never played inline and there are others here that probably could help you alot more than me. For inline I think gear would be the same though.

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oh yeah, buy used

I'm not so sure about it... Used hockey gear stinks most of the time & full of germs...

This isn't like you're buying a used car someone was farting in for a few years - hockey gear gets completely wet from sweat after every session, so maybe it's just me but unless money is VERY tight I'd suggest buying new stuff online or on sale or something - the difference might not be that big (especially when comparing used top end gear & on sale mid to low end gear)

{my first buy was used top of the line skates "used for a couple of months" - they didn't look too bad on pictures, but when I got them & opened the box I immediately realized a mistake I made... Later a couple of months turned to be a junior A with 4-5 hours a day on ice so comparing with my schedule it'd be equivalent to almost a year of use}

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