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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Bauer one95 with t-blades...pics included

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everyone says tblades suck because there ugly. but theyre actually a huge help

I think they suck because of my experience with them. I don't find the edges last longer and a single nick can ruin the blade forcing you to replace it. In fact, I never got more then 3 games out of a pair of t'blades without dulling the edges, warping the steel/plastic backing or getting a nick over the course of normal play.

The only plus is that they're consistent from one pair to the next, unlike the sharpenings from some shops.

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those are bad skates and the user shouldnt have got those....but hey maybe he didnt knnow better

It's one thing to say you don't like the look, but One95 are top of the line right now regardless of the holder/runner.

If the One95 qualifies as "bad skates" then what doesn't?

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Thought maybe some of you would like to see these ahha, i think the kids look better then these wiht the black t-blades in my opinion.


those are pretty sweet

performance first. i think whoever makes t blades should call up ccm and bauer and ask for rights to produce blades for e-pros and tuuks rather than continue to sell holders. hardly anyone buys them. my way would make so much money

Do you know how T-Blades work?

ok. my bad, i should have said "its all about personal preference"

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Thought maybe some of you would like to see these ahha, i think the kids look better then these wiht the black t-blades in my opinion.


those are pretty sweet

performance first. i think whoever makes t blades should call up ccm and bauer and ask for rights to produce blades for e-pros and tuuks rather than continue to sell holders. hardly anyone buys them. my way would make so much money

Do you know how T-Blades work?

ok. my bad, i should have said "its all about personal preference"

No. You still haven't figured out how T-Blades work.

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pretty sure he dosent know too much about hockey haha, but i just thought some of you would be interested in seeign those with the black holders, personally i like the kids much better. But i've never fallen for black holders.

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