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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Uploading Pictures

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I just took pictures of a stick and am trying to upload them onto my computer, but dont know how. I have the USB cable and im not sure where to go from there any help is appreciated.

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Would it be the A or the F drive, because thats all I have. Am I supposed to have a disc for it or something?

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You probably have to start off by installing some sort software that came with the camera. It's probably just some 3rd party picture viewer like ACDSee. If it didn't come with any software then don't worry about it.

- Plug in the USB cable into one of the USB ports (you should probably have 2-4 of these slots).

- I think your camera will probably have some sort of switch to change it from "picture taking mode" to "upload mode". Switch it to upload mode (read your manual).

- Open up "My Computer"

- You should see a new drive called "Removable Disk"

- Double click that and you should be able to access your pics

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Depending on how XP was installed on your computer, you can go to Start, Programs, Accessories, Camera and Scanner Wizard. That should be fairly painless

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My USB cable was damaged. Some how a wire inside the cord got screwed up. I got a new one and i did what Stampeder said about checking MY Computer then look under removable disks. Thanks.

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