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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is it possible to have too much curve?

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I have been playing hockey now for 4 years and i have been using a shaft. I recently bought a 1 piece becasue i am always up to try something new. I got a Sherwood rm5 with a coffe curve its pretty deep. Lately i have been missing the net on alot of shots if i got something with less curve would it help me control the puck better?? i was talking to a few teamates last night and they said i may be useing a stick with too much curve for me. What do you guys think? when i was using a shft i was useing a jagr curve witch is also deep. is it possible i have been using too much curve all this time???

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only way to find out is to try some other curves. lie also matters a lot. take a look at where the tape wears on your stick. that being said more practice will fix any type of accuracy problem.

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In general, more curve makes it easier to shoot hard consistently, but it is harder to stick handle with and your backhand also suffers.

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Well i have not been able to yet master lifting a slapshot, so im not consistant in any form of shooting like i said i never played hockey up untill 4 years ago so i never had a coach just kinda picking up tips along the way and learning on the fly. But im at the point now where i want to become a contributer in the game i do everything else good just cant score and its only becoming more of a dent in my confidence and if that means changing something as little as the curve on my blade ill do it. Now dont mistake me I know practice is the key. It just sucks not beeing able to contribute to your team as much as you would like to.

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mastery means taking the time on your own to practice and maintaining it over time. i used to practice shooting for 1 hour every other day when i started playing on a team again. working on your forearm strength will also help.

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It is absolutely possible to have too much curve. Different players have different playing styles, so different curves will suit them better. The best thing to do is experiment with all types of different curve variables, finding what you like and what works best for your game.

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