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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replacing LS2 steel problems

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I'm trying to put the LS2 steel back in the holder and I don't think the steel is getting in the holder all the way.

I put a small dot on the middle of the steel, near the edge and it isn't entering. I can see a small gap between the holder and the steel in the middle.

The back of the steel seems to not slide all the way back. I think there was a little space on the front and back before. There is just the space in the back now. The front and back seem to be in the holder. The middle seems to not be in.

Anyone have any suggestions to get it to fit all the way in? hammer it? heat up the holder a bit?



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my LS2's did the same thing. just as long as its snug it won't affect anything. I had a gap on the ends between the holder and the steel.

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