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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Attachmetn save?

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I'm trying to help a friend but I can't remember how. You know when you open an attachment from an email, then save. But it doesn't save in My Document, it goes to some special internet folder....what is that folder...I can never find it?

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It'll save into a preset folder depending on the program you use.

Or you could just go Start -> Search and try it that way.

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I'm pretty sure she is using hotmail.

I think Windows will automatically save into what the LAST folder you saved into was...unless settings of the program override that. Try Searching but if you don't know the exact filename, try:

*partofthefilename* and search all hard drives. That should find it.

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If you open and then save it will usually go to a temp directory. If you have the file open, do a "save as" and you should get the option to save it to the location of your choice.

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