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TSN & NHL Reach a new broadacst deal

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3 more seasons @ $75 mil per season is what versus pays for exclusive cable broadcast rights

Thanks for the info!

In that case, I hope Versus can increase its profile here in the US, so that more people get it on their cable/dish. And that they publicize the NHL more. And that they show more games. And that they have a better, more frequently-broadcast highlight show (like ESPN/ESPN2's old "NHL Tonight").


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3 more seasons @ $75 mil per season is what versus pays for exclusive cable broadcast rights

Thanks for the info!

In that case, I hope Versus can increase its profile here in the US, so that more people get it on their cable/dish. And that they publicize the NHL more. And that they show more games. And that they have a better, more frequently-broadcast highlight show (like ESPN/ESPN2's old "NHL Tonight").


ESPN are starting talks with the NHL to possibly get some games after next season. To do that, they would have to pay something to Versus, as they hold exclusive rights.

Versus ratings for the past 6 months were as good as the NHL got on ESPN in it's last year, becuase they done away with the thursday night hockey and basically put games on as filler, rather than as a sport.

Now Versus has limited rights to some college football games, and the World Extreme Cagefighting league which had a good draw in the pulver/farber bout.

But the NHL has a steady gamenight and dedicated show (in spite of the announcers, it's still hockey), and they are who the network want as their anchor sport.

ESPN is looking for the rights as much to try to marginalize Versus as a legitimate network as they want it for the hockey.

Remember the early days of ESPN featured tractor pulling, strongman competitions, bullriding etc.... sound familiar?

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