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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spare Parts

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I'm cleaning/resorting and organizing our spare parts drawers today...just trying to think if there's anything else I need to have on hand beyond the typical helmet parts, and rivets, and Tuuk hardware etc. What weird stuff do you guys keep on hand?

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Is this for yourself, or a shop?

My home spare parts boxes normally will have various footbeds, at least one set of spare steel, cage/visor mounting hardware, extra skate laces, stick butt ends, Chin straps, various sizes, thickness and types of foam, roll of velcro tape etc..

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If my old gear isn't in good enough shape to sell, I strip it of every useful part before it goes in the trash. I have tons of parts for helmets and pants. There are screws, nuts, belts, pads, etc... all over the house and a bag that has to have 50 pair of laces that I don't like.

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It's at my rink. We try to just stock the basics for emergency repairs for like Helmets and Skates/Rivets. Could use more spare parts for Goalie pads and such. Esp those claw nuts and screws for toes. Got all the T'Blade stuff, and a few Graf Torx Screws, and a handful of Pro-Lite hardware, and we just got a SMALL pack of Lightspeed hardware.

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Just as Chadd said if you see any old gear that is no longer wanted or useful just strip off all of the parts you may need. I'm a bit of a pack rat around the shop. I have many oddball things that I probably will never use but if the time comes when I need it and it isn't there I'd hate myself for tossing it. You'd be surprised how fast your junk drawer can fill up.

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