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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Football is back. Sort of.

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Wow, first play from scrimmage at home and T.O. gets a bomb for a TD. I'm disappointed in the celebration but why waste a gooder on a preseason game.

Edit: What a surprise, Kearse got a boo-boo. He's like a more expensive Mike Mamula.

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Wow, first play from scrimmage at home and T.O. gets a bomb for a TD. I'm disappointed in the celebration but why waste a gooder on a preseason game.

Edit: What a surprise, Kearse got a boo-boo. He's like a more expensive Mike Mamula.

Eagle fans should get used to it...lord knows we had to put up with it for too long in TN

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mack, I was at a bar and couldn't hear anything about it, but it just looked like a stinger. I'm sure you're worried though. I though Buck tore his ACL as soon as I saw what he did. Looks like they're saying it's a torn patella tendon. Either way, I'm going to guess he won't come back this year. Which sucks since we have no RB depth.

Did you see the catch and run by Freddie Mitchell? I hope he sees a lot more snaps this year.

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It ended up just being a stinger but after seeing him for a couple years here you learn to assume the worst when he gets out.

Sadly in our league I'll have to rely on him being in for the season.

Buckhalter going down was disgusting. It kinda reminded me of Jamal Anderson going down back in '99. I think Andy Reid said he's done for the year.

Mitchell absolutely broke someone's (Demps?) ankles on that catch. Like they're all saying, with TO drawing the attention the other guys should have some room.

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