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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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isometrics/plyometrics/footspeed drills

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I'm looking to find some drills to increase my footspeed. I've tried googling it and found some pretty good drills (ladder drills and stuff like that), but it seems like all the stuff that really works costs money. So I was just wondering if you guys knew any good drills that may have worked for you, or that you have seen work for other people.


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searching this topic would bring up a lot of helpful info, as I know I have already responded to a topic like this earlier in the year...however, a quick answer is box jumps, ladder skips (inside/outside), ladder hops (one and two footed in and out), toe taps on a box, sprints 25 and 50 yds, shuttle runs.... that should get you started

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