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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Money or Your Name on the Cup?

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Yeah, but Eruzione did score the goal. He put up with Brooks' bs for a year. He paid the price. He earned it. If you did it and no one else did it, then go ahead and earn a living from it.

Oh I agree....JR used past tense....I just meant to point out he still milks it (and rightfully so...)

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One of the best lines from the "Do You Believe in Miracles?" documentary they play on HBO. Eruzione mentions how his friends joke with him, "Two feet to the left and you're painting bridges."

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Most people would take the money... unless they thought they had enough banked to keep the same life style for the rest of their lives... So usually, seasonned veterans like Sakic, Sundin, Bourque, Roy etc.

The younger players will more often than not take the money as well, they are you and usually have high profile life styles etc... but then again, it sometimes all comes down to values and how you were brought up. I still think that kids showing potential at a young age for any professional sport out there are seen as investments by there parents and are often treated as such... and raised as such to so when they actually make it to the professional level, they are happy to be there but it seems that they are happier about the money they'll make than the playing level they have reached and that carries on to contract decisions on wether they will take the money and run or go for the cup. Very few players in any league would accept a smaller contract in order to win the cup. Roy and Sakic did so in order to get Ray Bourque and keep other good players around but in the history of the game, not very many players took pay cuts in order to keep a winning team together... just look at Tampa Bay for Instance... and there are many other exemples out there...

so what would I do? I'd probably take the money and run :lol:

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