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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 Piece Vapor XXXX

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Money has been tight around my family and I would like to get my stick selection out of the way before the season so I can just focus on training for the summer. I noticed that Nike Bauer made the Vapor XXXX in a two piece and one of the blade versions is wood. Has anybody used this stick or used anything similar?

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I have the XXXX shaft and XXXX composite blade, I was in the same boat with money and I had been breaking blades alot so i said what the hell. I love it, it seems a bit bottom heavy at first and the shaft's corners seem a bit more rounded than the OPS so it took some getting used to but, I've had it for about 2 months and have had no problems.

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Oh hell no man. I feel more momentum with my shot from the wind to the follow threw. However I'm not a fan of the ultra light sticks and have found myself become more a two piece fan over the past year because of that.

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if your moneys tight im not sure the xxxx is the best bet. pretty expensive shaft isnt it? id check ebay. i just got 2 brand new sickicks for 75 a piece shipped....goodluck to ya though man

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if your moneys tight im not sure the xxxx is the best bet. pretty expensive shaft isnt it? id check ebay. i just got 2 brand new sickicks for 75 a piece shipped....goodluck to ya though man

At my shop for the shaft and blade [xxxx composite] its $30 less than the OPS, if you put the xxxx wood blade in it its even cheaper, I think somewhere in the $50 less range.

the shaft's corners seem a bit more rounded


Was wondering how the shaft shape compares to Easton shafts/OPS.

Thanks in advance

Um it depends on which you compare it to, the s15 [z-bubble] shaft i think is just a bit more boxy [real word?] but the elite [synergy II] shaft is closer in feel.

Also if you guys want I can post up some pictures of the combo

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