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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stretched Eyelet

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I've got a problem with my 3 year old 703's. The top eyelet seems to be stretching and tearing. The metal reinforcement or o-ring or whatever you call it is fine, but the hole punched into the material of the boot is the problem. Instead of an "o" shape it's turning into a large oval. Can this be fixed? Thanks in advance!

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I've torn these before, you can just go to a shoe repair shop and they should be able to repair it. For me they just put a new piece of leather there with an eyelet and I was good to go.

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I've got a problem with my 3 year old 703's. The top eyelet seems to be stretching and tearing. The metal reinforcement or o-ring or whatever you call it is fine, but the hole punched into the material of the boot is the problem. Instead of an "o" shape it's turning into a large oval. Can this be fixed? Thanks in advance!

Most good or reputatable skate/boot shops should be able to fix this..Where do you reside?

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I live in Rhode Island. I know most LHS' will replace eyelet rings but I've never heard that they'd have pieces of leather to patch with. I like the idea of a shoe repair shop but I have never in my life seen one that was still in business.

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A month ago, all four top eyelets on my Supreme 70s were stretched and Hockey Experts fixed them by replacing the eyelets and reinforcing them with tough leather on the inside and outside of each eyelet. The extra thickness caused by the additional few millimeters of hard leather is causing a lot of pain on the inside of my foot at the base of the tibia. I like to tie my laces tightly and didn't have any pain in this area before the eyelets were replaced. Do you guys have any suggestions on what I can do to that leather patch to either soften it up or prevent it from hurting so much? Thanks.

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yea they can repair them by putting extra leather to reinforce the eyelet

when you tie your skates instead of pulling up wards when you tie your skates try pulling outwards ( if you know what i mean)

graf skates after a while i find the leather gets weak so you have to be careful

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