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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is three weeks enough?

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Hey guys,

I've just recovered from a pretty bad arm injury which i got from a car crash, my coach has told me that if i get my fitnes up to where it was and my hockey skills get back aswell ill be able to play in a tournement in a little over 3 weeks. Do you think 3 weeks of cardio training alongside at least 4 ice times a week will get my fitness noticable up in 3 weeks? Any tips or suggestions of cardio training methods would also be appreciated.

..Thanks in advance guys B)

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cardio comes back quick. It is the hockey timing and skating that you need to get good. Do as much work skating with a puck as you can. Maybe some stickhandling with a ball off-ice will make sure your arm is working again.

As far as cardio, obviously something like a stationary bike, where your arms are not flopping around, might be best to keep from re-injuring it.

I once saw a Dman play a full Jr A game with a broken wrist in a cast because a D1 coach was coming to see him and he did not want him to know he was injured! And he did not look too bad doing it too--even threw a few checks.

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I would suggest less ice time and cardio. You are coming off of injury. You do not want to push it too much so that you reinjure yourself again or your body does not have a chance to repair the damage and get better.

Start slowly maybe just riding the bike and am up the cardio as you feel better. Do not rush it. 1 tournament is not worth a life of pain.

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As long as you are healed, 3 weeks should be plenty of time to get yourself ready if you're going to be on the ice 4x a week. If possible, try to get some extra skating/sprints in right at the end of practice, that'll help when it comes to game conditioning.

EDIT: I'm not talking about healing the injury, just about getting yourself back into shape to play.

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Doctor recommended gym workouts but very light or no weights for my left arm. I've started working out before school for an hour. Ive been doing:

Sit-Ups on yoga ball - 5 x 10

15 minute run on treadmill

10 minutes on stationary bike

Squats with bar - 3 x 10

Is that a good light workout?

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Take your time! I had a surgery some weeks back but they told me it would take around 3 months until i can do ANY sport.. I feel well now, but i wont try to do any sports since it was a horrible and long surgery and mostly the wounds (or stitches) need a lot more time inside your body than those on the outside. Its not worth it, when you try it too early, you just have to wait longer when it goes wrong (which most likely will!).

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