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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyplace in Canada Sell These Anymore?

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paranis in london ran out a little while ago. we still have some CNTs kickin around. and we have the XX stick ems in assorted team colours.

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If you live in Canada, check out bigger Sport Chek, we bought a crap load of the first generation Stealths off of Easton during the winter, you may be still lucky and find them, we have aboot 10 or so at my store.

which sport chek are you? The one in Yorkdale is pretty big.

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check to see if you have a 'pro hockey life' store near you, they usually have everything you need, they're pretty damn massive. And i know this is off topic, but how is the Vapor XX stick? i was thinking about getting one since they're on sale for 100$ at sportchek.

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check to see if you have a 'pro hockey life' store near you, they usually have everything you need, they're pretty damn massive. And i know this is off topic, but how is the Vapor XX stick? i was thinking about getting one since they're on sale for 100$ at sportchek.

Pro Hockey Life won't carry the '05 Stealth, nor would they have any CNTs in stock. That store carries a massive arsenal of twigs, all of which are current models. Older stock would be sent back to the manufacturer or a regrouping centre. The same deal goes for my store, Hockey Experts.

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This week's SportChek flyer (The Hockey Flyer) has them advertised on sale for $129.00 Cdn (the black/chrome stick) starting tomorrow (Wednesday - I think).

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