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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Agony of Buying New Skates

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I didn't even think to add that women's versus men's sizing screws it up even more.. I wear a 10 in women's dress shoes, 9 in sneakers or sandals, which corresponds to maybe a 7.5 to 8.5 in men's, and I suppose that matches up with a 6 in my Bauer skates.

I wish everyone would switch over to a standardized system not unlike the european sizing, where I know I'm a 39 across the board...

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I am female that wears a size 9 NB and Nikes and a 5D Bauer skate. Most of my dress shoes are size 8 or 8.5. It is guess work with shoes and skates. I concur that women have it rough with sizing down to a skate size (and that doesn't even get into other items like clothes)

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Just sized my girlfirend perfectly into a pair of Sz 6D Bauer Silver Edition skates. Her first pair of skates; as she's only ever skated in hire skates before. She's not going to play hockey, just wants to learn how to skate.

Her shoe sizes are bizzare at best, I think I got it right by avgs and abit of luck...

Nike Gym shoes/Runners: Sz US 7 Womens

DC Street/Skate shoes: Sz US 9L (whatever that means)

Vans Slip ons (Very snug fit) Sz US 6.5 Mens.

I went off the Vans and guessed the skates would be 6D. Turns out with the Bauer SE's I was dead on. Pencil test confirmed and her toes are spot on in the toe box.

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She's not going to play hockey, just wants to learn how to skate.

that's too bad! if you guessed at her skate size so well, you ought to surprise her with a stick and some gloves and get her hooked.. what fun is skating without a puck somewhere nearby?

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I'd bet that she will want more after learning to skate. BTW, I have the opposite problem. I'm trying to get my husband to play (multiple novice teams said he would have a spot-although he is still learning). I got him equipment in hopes he can come to my team's practices.

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She's not going to play hockey, just wants to learn how to skate.

that's too bad! if you guessed at her skate size so well, you ought to surprise her with a stick and some gloves and get her hooked.. what fun is skating without a puck somewhere nearby?

She's not that interested and is abit shy of the physical side. That being said, Im sure she would not mind taking a stick to my shins every once and a while. ;)

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