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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bones Swiss, Super Swiss

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Anyone use either of the Bones regular swiss or super swiss beearings?...ny input on either would be helpful...I am looking for the fastest spinning bearing I can find so any input on other bearings is fine as well....Thanks

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I've skated on Bones Swiss bearings and was almost completely satisfied. I say "almost" because I found the same quality bearing for about 1/4 the price in Bones Reds. If money is no object and you want the fastest bearing available, Swiss Ceramics are the way to go. Quality as function of value, Bones Reds are the best.

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dude your crazy, bones ceramics go for like $200+

the swiss are good enough, if you want to go faster.... work out in the off season

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i skate on the super swiss 6 ball and they are the fastest bearing i have ever used. and they were only like 80usd at inlinewarehouse.com opposed to BSB swiss that are 100usd around here. if your going to get new bearings and you can find the 6 ball id say go for em.

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yeah i realize that, i used to work at summit sports in michigan and they sell them 90 or 100, i know they are way over priced. but im just saying that i tihnk its worth the super swiss bearings and they arent ridiculously expensive.

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my bad, the dude at the pro shop jacked the price...... thats still alot of cash. i'd rather invest in like 3 warrior prostock sticks. or a rad pair of gloves.

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my bad, the dude at the pro shop jacked the price...... thats still alot of cash. i'd rather invest in like 3 warrior prostock sticks. or a rad pair of gloves.

TURTLE POWER!!!! :lol:

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I've skated on the Bones Swiss for a while. If you keep them clean and maintained, I think they're great. Never used any of the others mentioned, so I don't know how they compare.

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Bones Super Swiss 6 are my choice of bearing - amazing roll and fast all the time. I've not had to do anything to them in two seasons, I use them with rinkrats.

I've not tried the ceramics, but I might treat myself to them in the new year.

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I have Bones Reds and they work great. Cheap, too!

how do they compare to other bearings you have used?

Bones reds in comparison to regular bearings, that is, bearings fitted on _CCM's are much better in every aspect, smoothness, speed etc. Just keep in mind toy take care of them regularly depending on the surface you play on...



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