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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Girdle Sizing

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I am looking to get into playing roller part time and need to get a girdle. I am not a small person and tried on a Mission girdle the other day and seemed kind of loose. Is that how they are supposed to fit, or are they supposed to be a little bit more form fitting? Any help would be appreciated. Like the guy in the other thread said I have like a 40 in. waist and wear a size 56 Easton pro stock pant for ice if that will help

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To be honest, my D1 girdle feels the same as my Sherwood pants. Depends on your size and what you pick up. My old Mission click on and off leg pants were very tight. These days I feel more comfy in my ice pants then my inline girdle. Strange how it changes.

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If you are playing ice as well, I would look into the Graf girdle. It is light enough for inline, and protective enough for ice. I love mine, and to be quite honest, I might pick up another one, for when my current one wears out.

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