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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Creeper Hockey Gloves

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I tryed this on for the first time today and had such mixed emotions. The fit was AWESOME but the glove was made worse then almost anything I could put together. To add insult to injury the things were $$$$$ to boot. WTH???

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I tryed this on for the first time today and had such mixed emotions. The fit was AWESOME but the glove was made worse then almost anything I could put together. To add insult to injury the things were $$$$$ to boot. WTH???

I thought the same thing when i tried on the warriors when they came out. I think the MIA version of the inferno seemed so much better constructed, i know this sounds silly since its basically the same thing with a diffferent name on the cuff but MIAs always seemed like a better glove. I loved the MIA infernos but i dont much care for the creepers.

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I tryed this on for the first time today and had such mixed emotions. The fit was AWESOME but the glove was made worse then almost anything I could put together. To add insult to injury the things were $$$$$ to boot. WTH???

I thought the same thing when i tried on the warriors when they came out. I think the MIA version of the inferno seemed so much better constructed, i know this sounds silly since its basically the same thing with a diffferent name on the cuff but MIAs always seemed like a better glove. I loved the MIA infernos but i dont much care for the creepers.

So I'm wondering if you were to custom order these with the better materials if they would be a better all around product. I figure for $50.00 more it should be.

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Five bucks says Warrior took MIA's designs and moved production over seas or across the boarder. That's the trend, but it's no excuse for letting the quality of a product slip. It's not like they don't have control over it.

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