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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Squirt top water bottles

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Anyone know where I can pick one up? They're different than the pull tops in that water definitely won't come out unless you squeeze.

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How big is the opening, Chadd? We have an ice dispenser in the freezer door, and most of the water bottle openings are too small -- one cube will land in a way that it blocks the opening. However, those bottles which have a wider mouth usually won't clog.

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I just purchased 6 of the gatoraide squeeze bottles from eastbay.com. They didn't have them listed in their catologue or even on line, I ordered some other stuff by phone and asked if they had them. They were about 4 dollars each. Same ones you see on almost every NHL bench.

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I've gotten 8 from the toolbarn site, as well as some hand tools for working on sticks. Great site, wonderful bottles.

I'm down to 3 from selling/giving them to friends that love them too.

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How big is the opening, Chadd? We have an ice dispenser in the freezer door, and most of the water bottle openings are too small -- one cube will land in a way that it blocks the opening. However, those bottles which have a wider mouth usually won't clog.

2" wide. Not that it really matters though, its too tall to fit into the slot on my fringe.

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