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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dolomite Spyne and New Warrior Products

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are we sure thats just not a lack of wax to make the tape to appear darker which inturn would make it look like a spyne? i cant tell but my laptop is starting to bite the dust so i dont have the best look at it

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Noticed this, cycling through older Frozen Moment photos on NHL.com.

Looks like a Dolo with a blade that has 1 "spyne". Player's tape starts halfway up the blade in black and looks like the tape is pushed into the channel, unless Brylin tapes his stick funny.

unless Brylin got a spyne put on an old dolomite...cause the new dolo's are white.

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Noticed this, cycling through older Frozen Moment photos on NHL.com.

Looks like a Dolo with a blade that has 1 "spyne". Player's tape starts halfway up the blade in black and looks like the tape is pushed into the channel, unless Brylin tapes his stick funny.

unless Brylin got a spyne put on an old dolomite...cause the new dolo's are white.

They where probably testing it out at the time.

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