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s9 easton helmets

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where are you from? cause i know sportchek has them and some sportmarts have them

edit: nevermind i see ur from montreal lol.

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My lhs just ordered my 5 year old th s9 helmet in XS. We want to get him the easton cage as well, does anyone know if the small will fit? The kid at the shop wasn't really sure so I just want to be safe before having him order one in for us. Thanks in advance guys.

The mask will fit the helmet no problem but I would be concerned that the small mask could be too long for your little guy. In my expierience, most kids that young need an extra small mask. I don't think Easton makes one but Bauer does and it will fit on the S9.

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If I had $200 to only spend on a new helmet, I wouldnt get the 9500, s17, intake, etc. I would buy 3 s9's.

not to go against the grain, but I tried the S9 and it's ok, but the 9500, V10, S17, 8500, and 5500 are all nicer than the S9 if you had the money.

It is a nice helmet for the price but to compare it to the 9500 and S17 is ridiculous... :rolleyes:

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If I had $200 to only spend on a new helmet, I wouldnt get the 9500, s17, intake, etc. I would buy 3 s9's.

not to go against the grain, but I tried the S9 and it's ok, but the 9500, V10, S17, 8500, and 5500 are all nicer than the S9 if you had the money.

It is a nice helmet for the price but to compare it to the 9500 and S17 is ridiculous... :rolleyes:

what if you hate epp foam?

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If I had $200 to only spend on a new helmet, I wouldnt get the 9500, s17, intake, etc. I would buy 3 s9's.

not to go against the grain, but I tried the S9 and it's ok, but the 9500, V10, S17, 8500, and 5500 are all nicer than the S9 if you had the money.

It is a nice helmet for the price but to compare it to the 9500 and S17 is ridiculous... :rolleyes:

No, it's not. Plenty of people don't like EPP helmets. I have a 9500 and I don't use it because I prefer the S9. I don't care about this feature or that feature... I go with what's more comfortable as far as fit, pulling of hair, airflow... not price tag or what it says on the box.

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i go to school at guelph now.. and ive been to the sportchek here but it sucks and doesnt have it

there has to be a hockey shop in guelph that carries them............

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Just picked up the S9 with S17 cage

best helmet, outstanding fit and protection,

I have used CCM, and Bauer 5000 in the past.

It seems lately anything Easton makes is outstanding, I have the s9 pants

and Eastons 800 elbow pads and shins and they are outstanding as well.

Does any one know how there skates are???? such as the s11 or s15


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Just picked up the S9 with S17 cage

best helmet, outstanding fit and protection,

I have used CCM, and Bauer 5000 in the past.

It seems lately anything Easton makes is outstanding, I have the s17 pants

and Eastons 800 elbow pads and shins and they are outstanding as well.

Does any one know how there skates are???? such as the s11 or s15


Read the reviews on them

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not seeing alot of the pro players wearing the S9...they must be having a hard time getting them too... <_<

I've been seeing at least one or two NHL players per game wearing an S9. Not alot, but it's brand new. I imagine that most would stay with what they're used to, unless thay had a good reason to switch.

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not seeing alot of the pro players wearing the S9...they must be having a hard time getting them too... <_<

I've been seeing at least one or two NHL players per game wearing an S9. Not alot, but it's brand new. I imagine that most would stay with what they're used to, unless thay had a good reason to switch.

one or two per game or one or two total? I have yet to see one...

anyway it's a nice helmet for the price...if you don't like EPP...and you don't want to spend big bucks on a helmet

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not seeing alot of the pro players wearing the S9...they must be having a hard time getting them too... <_<

i have not seen alot of pros using the S17. Only one i can think of is Heatley.

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zetterburg (spelling?) is rocking an S9 Helmet

he's rocking the bench ;)

not seeing alot of the pro players wearing the S9...they must be having a hard time getting them too... <_<

i have not seen alot of pros using the S17. Only one i can think of is Heatley.

let's be honest 95+% of pro players are wearing either a Bauer or Reebok...

derek roy, gaborik, mark streit, owen nolan, sakic, shawn horcoff, jonny toews, ryan hollweg

come on give me someone not suspended or injured...lol :P

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Zdeno Chara, Aaron Ward...

Chara doesn't even need a helmet...lol...and Ward is lighting up the scoreboard...lol

I'll take Cleary and raise you the rest of the NHL

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According to Easton's Product Manager for helmets, there are currently 30 NHL players and two collegiate teams wearing the S9.


not seeing alot of the pro players wearing the S9...they must be having a hard time getting them too... <_<

I've been seeing at least one or two NHL players per game wearing an S9. Not alot, but it's brand new. I imagine that most would stay with what they're used to, unless thay had a good reason to switch.

one or two per game or one or two total? I have yet to see one...

anyway it's a nice helmet for the price...if you don't like EPP...and you don't want to spend big bucks on a helmet

Per game. I have one myself, so I keep an eye out for who's wearing what. :lol:

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