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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weather-Resistant type nets

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Did search on hockey nets but no result came out.

I've been talking with one of club organizer and it seems like she wants to get a "Weather-Resistant type net"

I assume what she meant was a stong hockey net material. Is there a such "Weather-Resistant type net"? Or is there any hockey nets you'd like to recommand?

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Do you mean the mesh is different ?

My son's net has been outside for 3 years with out incident. Probably time for a new mesh..but that's not a big deal.

I have seen ones permanently installed in school yards that have galvinized pipe for the frame, and galvanized fencing for the mesh...probably good for 30 years outside.

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Maybe my net would be considered a Weather-resistant one. I've had mine for 9 years now and theres merely a handfull of holes in the mesh. It cost me 100 dollars but it was worth every penny.

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The best netting is not the cotton cloth ones but the nylon. Nylon is thick, won't rot and lasts a long time. Super strong, a slapshot can't rip it. We sell them in the store but where we get them from, they don't come packaged or with a name. I'll have to ask my supplier what brand they are called. I don't have a clue.

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