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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Junior Leagues in New York

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Most of everyones thoughts have perswayed me to stay in Canada, so i am going to be doing that. I have come to a conclusion, that i will be not good enough for Canadian Jr. B (yet, anyway). I would like to move back to the Hamilton area, and they have a couple teams right on the outskirts-Grimsby Peach Kings, Glanbrook Rangers, Dundas Blues, and the Caledonia Corvairs. Does any locals or anyone have any insight on these teams!

The only complaint I ever heard from scouts is that "there are too many jr A and jr B leagues in Canada to scout"! Now, this was from the mouth of an american scout, so who knows if it is different in Canada. But it sounded like it was really easy to get lost unless you were a scoring dynamo.

If you are going to billet, make SURE you check it out thoroughly! A pal of my sons was billeting in a Canadian Jr A league, and he was starving.

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im confused D leagues exist? i just thought they were a joke like literally.

They're most likely not literally called a D league, but yes they exist. It would be pay to play, a junior version of a house league. I suppose instead of D league you could call it recreational junior hockey.

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