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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. You can tell the Indian reservation has opened the fireworks stands because every little SOB in the neighborhood has M80's and thinks midnight is a great time to set them off. Then some dumbass kid is going to blow his hand off and prompt yet another round of promised "fireworks crack downs." Only when there's an Indian reservation 30 minutes away and everyone and their dog has ass loads of illegal fireworks it's basically asking the cops to do the impossible. Personally, I agree that there really isn't a need to have M80's, and larger, fire crackers around. The solution isn't fireworks bans, but if you let the non-Indian stands sell reasonable fireworks (snakes and sparklers just don't do it for most people) fewer people would go to the res were they can get shit like M80's.
  2. I've been dating this girl for a few months, and it's a very casual thing. I see her once a week, sometimes a bit less than that. So last night I tell her I'm arranging the final details for relocating to California and she goes off the deep end. Seriously, you'd have thought we'd been seriously dating for a year and on the verge of engagement or something. I guess I could see it a bit more if she had been trying to steer things in a more serious direction, but that wasn't the case at all.
  3. Oakland Raiders 59 - Denver Donkies 14 Sometimes things are just the way they should be in the world. Then again, I think they should have ran up the score some more but I'll admit to not being completely objective here.
  4. IMHO, I wouldn't play against a team that had a bunch of minors on it. Any league that allows that is just asking for legal problems.
  5. It might be bystander apathy, but I'm not getting involved in conflicts other people create. Not saying going around talking about kill homosexuals is a good thing, but any time you say something to someone in public you're taking your life in your hands. Maybe he's got a gun, or knife, and is crazy enough to use. Best thing to do is just ignore it and go on about your business. If you choose to make an issue of it, then you deal with the fallout. I'll certainly cooperate with the police in the aftermath, but I'm not putting myself in harms way for someone else's need to make a principled stand.
  6. Got my new X:60 gloves yesterday, so comfortable. Can't wait to see how they feel while actually playing.
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