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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

New Bauer logo leaked

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I think they made a smart decision to eliminate the side logo from the helmet - that way they don't have to have a "pro" and a "retail" helmet. For instance, on the 4500, they can ship as is as the team will put a sticker over the logo. The 5500 and 9500 can be covered with black tape (or in the case of the 9500, can be simply peeled off.)

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i dig it, i'm looking at an old bauer poster in my dorm now and it looks basically the same except for the upper case R. but its a great logo, i'm looking forward to this new generation of Bauer equipment.

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I actually liked the NBH logo I thought it looked real good on the 4 rolls..to be honest I am not sure if I like this logo..I was hoping the flying B or something..I think this looks a little weird with the lowercase e..just my opinion

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There hasn't been any word if they are or are not bringing back the flyin B...so don't assume anything till we hear official word.

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There hasn't been any word if they are or are not bringing back the flyin B...so don't assume anything till we hear official word.

im not, just the plain bauer logo is sexy enough for me! :P

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I actually liked the NBH logo I thought it looked real good on the 4 rolls..to be honest I am not sure if I like this logo..I was hoping the flying B or something..I think this looks a little weird with the lowercase e..just my opinion

im with you... i liked the NBH logo, especially on the 4 rolls. I also thing the lower case e looks a little odd, but its not that i dont like it. I'll get used to it, and i appreciate it being left more or less "as is". It's a nice logo.

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I actually liked the NBH logo I thought it looked real good on the 4 rolls..to be honest I am not sure if I like this logo..I was hoping the flying B or something..I think this looks a little weird with the lowercase e..just my opinion

im with you... i liked the NBH logo, especially on the 4 rolls. I also thing the lower case e looks a little odd, but its not that i dont like it. I'll get used to it, and i appreciate it being left more or less "as is". It's a nice logo.

I'm with you also, I thought the NBH logo was good looking. Especially on the 4-Rolls!

- Mike

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