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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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u mich new gear

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does anyone know what gear u of mich will be wearing this year. seeing as how the football is rocking adadias. i was wondering if it will be rbk/ccm seeing as adadias owns them.

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Adidas logos on the jerseys and socks.

Notre Dame has an Adidas deal and wears exclusively RBK/CCM gear. UMass has an Adidas deal and wears NBH gear.

I'm hoping Michigan's deal is akin to UMass'. However, considering the enormity of the Michigan-Adidas deal (in which Adidas is required to pay Michigan more than any other school with which it is under contract or enters a contract), I doubt that's the case.

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It'll be tough to see the wings on the RBK lid. Maybe they'll use the Vector, or stick with the 4500 still.

Wings on an 8k would be brutal.

I really hope they stick with NBH buckets.

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wasnt it rumored they were going to use the new cascade lid?

I would hope that Red drew the line at having a soccer company's logo on his uniforms.

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