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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX Stick....

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I've heard the same complaints as many of you about the One90 and wrist shots... I used my buddy's and had the same experience. From what I've noticed, the typical user of the One90 seems to be a power player with a preference toward the slap shot rather than the wrister. You guys agree? I was suprised though to see Patrick Kane using one, who rarely ever uses the slapper. Maybe he went down to a lower flex than normal (vs what he may use for a XXX or XXXX)? I was thinking that might be the way to get better pop for wristers if you're not too huge on slapshots. Just a thought. I may give it a try and see how much it hurts my slapper. Since according to NBH it is catered toward "power" maybe it won't kill the shot too much. I love my XXX Lite but don't know how much longer it will last, so I gotta find a new favorite stick.

You can't really say that, many players in the NHL that don't take all that many slap shots use or used the One90 (Mike Richards, Eric Staal, Andrei Kostitsyn, Jaromir Jagr, Alexander Semin and Simon Gagne) just to name a few..

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I had a XXX and then switched to the XXXX. Didn't like the 40 in comparison to the 30. After both my 30's broke in one night (sad night), I started using the chrome One90 and really like that.

I feel like the 30 and the one90 were more similar than the 30 and 40. Wasn't a difficult switch for me.

I would like to try a Warrior at some point, though. I don't know a lot of adults that use them around here. I have seen a lot of kids with them, though.

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The Dolomite stopped my search for the "perfect" stick. They seem a bit stiffer than the XXX sticks, but the performance doesn't seem to drop over time.

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I agree with everyone about the stick really lagging in the kick area. The feel on the other hand is easily one of the best.

best feature on the stick by far....

i won't right the stick off in the shooting department.....my shot still feels pretty good, but in comparison to the XXX there's definitely less kick on the 102 flex....i'll definitely have to give an 87 a go...

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ok folks.....so for the price i got it for, i could NOT beat it.....

a day after my last post in this thread, i was messing around on Ebay, and found that an 87 flex, PM9 Vapor XXXX (UMass custom with grip coat) was up for auction (powerplayauctions i believe), and i couldn't help myself in grabbing one up.....

got the stick the following Tuesday, and used it that night (and have been since).....and can i just say, "WOW!"

IMHO, a SIGNIFICANT difference on the 87 flex in regards to the "pop" on the shot......now, i realize it is a given that since i was using a 102 flex, the 87 is going to feel a bit more whippy....but i DID get the pop that i had expected on the stick after going down in flex.....awesome.....

and did i mention i love the puck feel on this stick?! :lol:

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