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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weird hockey stick dream

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Tonight I had a weird dream, about hockey equipment! :lol: Never had one of these before, anyone else did?

Anyway, for one thing, they had remodelled our arena into a new way of thinking, the boxes around the rink were elevated and "on top" of the seats, so the crowd will get a better view of the rink, and the players had to take an elevator up and down to get onto the ice or into the box.

And as for hockey equipment, I was at that arena, waiting for a game (as a spectator, that is), and it wasn't gonna start for another hour or so so me and someone else walked around in the arena, and found a broken OPS sitting around. It was called CCM Vector Matrix 2000, it was a dark teal color, there were no stickers but the labels were like this "3d rubber", same as some fridge magnets, you know? Those made the labels work as a grip as well.

But the coolest feature was the blade. It was mother of pearl colored, and there were 4 or 5 little soft rubber "claws" on the tip of the blade, this was to prevent the puck from "rolling off" the blade, and also to improve shots, especially wrist shots. It was a very nice stick indeed, wouldn't mind one for real.

This was such a bizarre dream and I just had to share it with you, and if you ever see sticks with rubber claws in the future, their reps have probably read this thread and got the idea from here, so you know where you heard it first. :lol:

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Petey what were you doing before you went to sleep? Or what did you eat?

Anyways I had a dream and I was playing roller hockey with Valeri Bure and I was using a Sr. 1100 with a 50 flex and the shaft was warped and then I remember my blade curled up like the Wicked Witch of the West's from the Wizard of Oz. That was one of my best dream I have had in a while.

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Petey what were you doing before you went to sleep? Or what did you eat?

Hmm.. did nothing in particular before I went to bed and didn't eat anything special either, although I had quite alot of red currant berries for dessert after dinner, maybe that affected me somehow? :lol:

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i never have good hockey dreams ,i always dream of losing ,getting cut ,breaking sticks all sorts of stuff and i dream about aliens and ufos alot ,it scares me i have to wake up and play guitar or do something weird to my hockey stick to "un freak out :P "

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