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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates width size

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I'm having a lot of trouble to get a skate wide enough for my feet. The problem is that my feet are very large and thick and it fucking hurts when I skate. Actually, I have vapor xxx size 9 EE and I tried everything to get it to fit my feet and it still hurts. Does anyone knows what kind of skates will be right for me? I've heard that the grafs are larger than other skates but I don't like it. I've also heard that the easton s15 with wide width are very large, anyone can confirm that? What about the one95, vapor xxxx? So please tell me what you guys think about that.

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From my knowledge Bauer's fit a bit slimmer than other brands. I have wide feet, and previously used 852 Tacks in EE width and they fit great. I just bought a pair of Graf 727's and they also fit really well, whereas I tried Vapor XX's in EE and they were a bit tight.

The Easton's I've tried on have had a bit more room in them too, and I found the old Z air's to be really comfy room wise, but can't comment on the Stealth range.

Hope some of that helps.

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Do RBK's fit close to how Tacks did?

Never had Tacks... don't know. I had Vector Pros and I found RBK and CCM width to be similar (same company). The heel on the RBK is considerably bigger than the CCM.

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nikebauer flexlites, rbk's if you can fit the heel well, the one95s in a EE are wide as well. Graf 709 or ultra G70 may work as well, even though you arent too fond of grafs, mission XP series may work as well

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i dont know about the vapor XXX EE being wider than the one95 EE, but the vapor XXX heels are wider than the XXXX. the XXXX dont have much depth either, which typically accompanies wider feet

kor may work too if you can find a pair to try a heat fit with

edit: vapor XXX heel is wider than XXXX, was thinking faster than i was typing

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I disagree with this, I think most have seen XXXX's accommodate more feet than XXX's did, especially with the ergo toe cap.

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My feet sound similiar to yours, and the NBH one90s fixed it for me. Just go to your LHS and try on as many skates as you can and go with what feels best.

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I have really wide ankles and big ankle bones, and sometimes even EE width skates still pinch me! I feel your pain man...

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I have wide and deep feet. The S15's fit my wide forefoot, and still get great heel lock, but they arent very deep. I am having no issues due to the depth, but someone else might, so that should be a consideration. The other consideration with the s15 is also the durability. I have been told that the Graf 709 is for very wide and deep feet. Good luck.

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Thanks for your answers. Eric424.., my situation seems like yours, my forefoot is wide and deep, and my heel and ankle are normal size. About the depth, like you said, it doesnt bother you. It's the same for me, since the top of foot is not squeezed by a hard surface. So, about the s15, did you mean that it's not durable?

P.S. Sorry for my english, I hope you understand what I mean.

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