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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weight/balance difference between the S17 and SE?

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Since I dont have the opportunity of feeling and handling both of these sticks and since i was thinking of ordering one or the other, for those that have used both can you tell me first of all is there a big difference in weight between the two sticks or does one of them have a more superior weight balance, therefore making it feel lighter?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. ;)

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I'm not sure about the weight unfortunately but I'm sure your online site will have the weights listed. I'd say be wary of the S17 because my buddy's blade always seems to either crack or go soft on him.

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they're both about the same weight with the s17 just a few grams lighter than the SE. they're both balanced quite nicely but i find the SE a little more blade heavy than the s17. dunno if that's enough help for you.

i'll agree with the above poster that the blade on the s17 goes soft quite fast. i could feel it going "powdery" after about 5 skates and then the heel cracked on the 7 or 8th skate. amazing performance but too expensive to justify buying another.

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I had both.

They felt around the same weight. The s17 had a better balance.

I went to the one90 because both of my Eastons the blades went soft very quickly. Not worth the cost for the amount of useage I got out of them. I love the S17 and would buy it again if they had better blades.

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SE no grip- 420 grams

S17 no grip- 410 grams

add 10 grams to both for grip

i personally think the SE is better balanced then the S17 but i agree with you that the blades on both are garbage and go soft/break too soon compared to Eastons past blades. But obviously to make a better balanced stick they had to do something to the blade. Too bad that something made the durability of it horrible!

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I'll echo the above sentiments. I felt the blade on the S17 was better off the shelf in terms of livliness, and the puck shot off really nicely, but the durability issues can't be ignored unless you've got deep pockets.

The SE was no slouch though. Wood end to balance a bit better, good blade reaction and feel, better than the other top sticks I've tried; 9kO and XXXX.

And I really like the shaft finish and feel of Easton's sticks, boxier with a texture from the graphite weave = money. I think the SL texture might have been more pronounced than the SE though, definitely regret giving my buddy that SL.

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Thanks for your comments guys, keep em' coming ;). On another note i know both sticks are not known for their durability and from what i gather from the posts above the SE might be slightly more durable than the S17, is this a common feeling amongst users?

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Since I dont have the opportunity of feeling and handling both of these sticks and since i was thinking of ordering one or the other, for those that have used both can you tell me first of all is there a big difference in weight between the two sticks or does one of them have a more superior weight balance, therefore making it feel lighter?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. ;)

From personal experience in switching from the SE 85 Flex to the S17 100 Flex last season, the biggest difference was blade weight. The blade is heavier on the SE (to me at least) than the S17. My shot was immediately better with the S17, but the feel when stick handling and passing was much different (worse) for me.

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