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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SE16 Skates

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i have been searching the web quite a bit and i still haven't been able to find quite what i am looking for. i've been thinking about getting a pair of SE16's for quite some time but i have never had the opportunity to use them or talk to anyone who has used them before. i just wanted to know what kind of fit they have, i am in a vapor xxxx right now and i like skates that come up higher on my ankles. also what is the width like? i have a pretty narrow foot (c/ narrow d) so would these be too wide for my feet? i guess i would just really like to see a review before i drop $500 but any input is appreciated. thanks for the help guys.

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i've been through that thread. i just wanted to get feedback from some people who have actually used the skates.

I too need to get a few opinions. My 1500's have magically lasted 2 seasons now. And by lasted, I mean not TOTALLY fallen apart, just mostly. They are the best skates I have ever worn as far as personal fit and performance goes. Just need a more direct comparison between the S15, SE16 and the 1500c as the other thread didn't have that. I would really like some insight on this guys, maybe will save me $300 if the SE16's are just re-badged 1500's...

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Shallower skate than your Vapors and lower cut at the ankles. Fit is almost the same as the 1500C's. If you have skinny ankles I don't know if they would wrap around them well because it's a stiff skate. You might be better off to stick to a higher cut skate for better support and contour at the top of your ankles.

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