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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ti vs Ti Pro vs Titanium

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I searched and i only could find the fuel vs fuel ti thread.

I was looking into this stick and the only difference i could find was the the ti pro was 20 grams lighter than the ti but $50 more. Are there any other differences??

Also in the latest USA hockey i saw an ad for a new stick called the Mission titanium, it appears to only be a new paint job, are there any other differences and is it worth waiting for??

Also any thoughts on the stick are welcome and if its worth the money or I should look elsewhere.

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Unfortunately, i do not think the Titanium is going to be on the market anymore.

Stinks because i was looking forward to the new Titanium stick.

The Fuel Ti is a great stick though.

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i just saw an ad for the Titanium in the new USA hockey, its a shame if that doesn't come out because its one of the best looking sticks i've seen a while, very clean graphics package.

sidenote: I also noticed Brooklynite finaly got an ad for the almighty in there...

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Just wondering about the Ti sticks...when you take off the end cap is there supposed to be some titanium mesh patterns or is it blended in? I look into my pro stick Ti Pro and it's just all black so I don't know if it's a repaint or not.

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Just wondering about the Ti sticks...when you take off the end cap is there supposed to be some titanium mesh patterns or is it blended in? I look into my pro stick Ti Pro and it's just all black so I don't know if it's a repaint or not.

I think it's only in the taper for slash protection, and the blade on the pro.

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Just wondering about the Ti sticks...when you take off the end cap is there supposed to be some titanium mesh patterns or is it blended in? I look into my pro stick Ti Pro and it's just all black so I don't know if it's a repaint or not.

I just cut mine down tonight... like a normal composite stick. Like Rustpot mentioned, I think the titanium is just in the 'stress points' of the shaft

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Titanium is strategically placed in the impact areas of the blade and shaft to provide excellent durability

I don't think the handle area is an impact area.

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Titanium is strategically placed in the impact areas of the blade and shaft to provide excellent durability

I don't think the handle area is an impact area.

or is it?


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