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skate weight of one 95 vs one 90

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Just looking at purchasing a pair of skates. I have always worn bauer. I am considering btw the one 90 and one 95. I realize that the one 95 is a serious upgrade but the price of the one 90 is substantially cheaper. When I picked up the one 95 I was surprised that it felt heavier than the one 90. I assumed it would be lighter as this is the trend in skates. I have tried researching to see the weight difference but haven't found anything. Does anyone know which is lighter and by how much?

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I wouldn't worry about the difference in weight, whatever it is, its negligible at best. I think the 'trend' is slowing fading as people are realizing lighter doesn't mean better. Whenever you're making something lighter, you're sacrificing something else. The One90 had flaws and the One95 has improved upon it. I would say base your purchase on which skate fits the best not on the 7 or 8 gram weight difference :)

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Agree to an extent their Stacey. I think some faults of recent times havn't been from a weight reduction view but moreso from a manufacturing point. For Eg: S15 skate.

Im currently on the ONE90 skates. I tried ONE90, ONE95 and ONE75. The ONE90's fit best and I got a fantastic deal on purchase + Shipping. My preference was on the fit and response. If It was a toss up between the ONE90 and the ONE95's, with both fitting as well the other I would grab the 90's. The price is lower and most of my mates here on them havn't experienced the durability issues some other people have. *touch wood*

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I see what you're saying but the other side of that point is, if Easton did not have the impetus to create the lightest skate in the world, corners would not have been cut resulting in the problems. Then again, technology only advances and it would have been only a matter of time when a rival company produced a composite skate so in saying so, I may have just negated my first point <_<

Based on my experiences with the One90 (personal and through friends) I would not recommend them. The resulting problems are to severe (heel separation, flexible tendon guard, lexan holders and availabilty of steel and holders), in my opinion to justify the purchase.

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like cavs said, weight is negligible

i didn't feel any weight difference between the two but the 95s are much stiffer and felt more comfortable to me.

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I tried on both and went with the 90's...I think I may have been swayed by price a bit (199), but they are both much more comfortable than my old tack 600's

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The skate weight isn't detectable on the ice, but the responsiveness is huge.. IMHO. I recently switched from One90's to One95's and it was like going from a Porsche to a 4 wheel drive Porsche. Both skates are set-up exactly the same... same holders, same profile, same insoles, and .062 HDPE shim. I even swapped the steel back & forth just to make sure the diff wasn't in the profile. I like both skates (actually 90's have a more custom fit for me), but I experienced a big difference. Seems like there is more steel on the ice, but doesn't effect agility.

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