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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Fan 51

Sher-Wood 5030 Composite

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Anyone else who has picked it up (literally, not as in purchasing necessarily) think that it is the slickest feeling stick ever? The one at my rink's LHS felt like it was covered in oil (or other slippery substance).

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Yeah, I was just so shocked as to how slippery it felt. Can't imagine myself using it, especially when my palms and the shaft are all wet from regular ice usage.

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I have it in a Spezza curve and it's one of the best feeling sticks I've used to date. It's not too light but definately lighter than wood and it also has remarkable balance to it.

supposedly the stick is supposed to mimic the feel of the 5030 in flex and feel, but with better durability and performance. And the local LHS is selling theirs for $79

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I bought one a few weeks ago, and mainly used it for coaching, and as a back-up stick. It's a great stick for the price ($85), and the PP 19 curve on mine is about as close as you can get to the Bauer P91 curve, which is my favorite. It's a Lie 5.5, although I would prefer a Lie 6. They also make it with a Coffey curve, if that's what you're into.

I like the old-school look of it. B)

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I just got one at my LHS for $70. I don't use OPS much, I'm more of a wood blade and or stick guy but they are harder and harder to find so I took a chance and so far I like it, receiving passes pretty well and shots are good. Not sure if I notice a more velocity than my woodies but so far so good.

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Picked one up in the Coffey pattern at the local Perani's today. Absolutely hate it. Not sure if it is just too whippy or what, but I did not like the feel of it.

Paid $79 for it. This baby is going on craigslist.

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