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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ziggy's Sports

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Don't ever order jerseys from this guy. He's had our order for three months and still no jerseys. He was supposed to meet us three times at Mellon Arena to deliver them to us and we've never heard from him. He tells one guy they're done and then another guy that they're not done. This guy is ridiculous and I don't suggest dealing with him.

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I've dealt with him a few times, not for jerseys but for other Penguins pro return stuff, and hes been super quick in delivery. Not calling you a liar or anything like that, just saying, i haven't had any problems with him.

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Don't ever order jerseys from this guy. He's had our order for three months and still no jerseys. He was supposed to meet us three times at Mellon Arena to deliver them to us and we've never heard from him. He tells one guy they're done and then another guy that they're not done. This guy is ridiculous and I don't suggest dealing with him.

Thanks for the heads up...Maybe he is good about gear, but stay away from getting jerseys done...

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I don't know about gear, but he's terrible with jerseys. We had a check for a $1,000 cut and ready to be delivered, but he hasn't come through after three months. We quit calling Wednesday and just decided to take our business elsewhere, hope he knows someone that needs 15 Tampa Bay Edge jerseys.

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I don't know about gear, but he's terrible with jerseys. We had a check for a $1,000 cut and ready to be delivered, but he hasn't come through after three months. We quit calling Wednesday and just decided to take our business elsewhere, hope he knows someone that needs 15 Tampa Bay Edge jerseys.

Looks like a good call, and luckily you weren't out a deposit or anything. Most would have walked after 3-4 weeks.

Ziggy is the man... He's Clutch

1st post , same IP nonsense again - this won't end well.

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