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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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which warrior blade is closest to the bauer P91?

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Hey everyone, I did a search, I checked the DB above. I love the 91 curve on my XXX-Lite, I want to change the blade on my warrior shaft to match it. From what I can tell, the Weight, Draper and Kovalev all seem similar to the P91. Which one of those is the closest?

thanks much

- Nick

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Kovalev. Drury from Easton, Ovechkin from CCM, Carter from Mission, are all roughly the same. Crosby from Reebok and Tkachuk from TPS are listed as being close, but less open and a lower lie.

Draper is closest to Sakic, which is pretty much a P91 in the middle of the blade instead of the heel (with a bit more hook and less wedge).

Weight is a different animal without anything really close.

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Kovalev. Drury from Easton, Ovechkin from CCM, Carter from Mission, are all roughly the same. Crosby from Reebok and Tkachuk from TPS are listed as being close, but less open and a lower lie.

Easton = Drury

Bauer = P91/P91A - P91 has more curve

CCM = Ovechkin

Mission = Carter, Sundin

Reebok = Crosby/Phaneuf - neither blade is bang on but they are close

TPS = Frolov

Warrior = Kovalev

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