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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wooden Blade

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If you're looking for a wooden blade just to curve, I would suggest an Easton Pro. It's not very stiff so you'll be able to curve it easily to see which curve you like.

As for quality wood blades at retail I would suggest an Easton Fibre+ or Sherwood 950.

Bauer's got a one95 wood blade coming out also. Haven't seen them in stores yet though

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As for quality wood blades at retail I would suggest an Easton Fibre+ or Sherwood 950.

Bauer's got a one95 wood blade coming out also. Haven't seen them in stores yet though

They've also got a One90 woodie... well, had. I have one kicking around here somewhere.

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I'm having a hell of a time finding decent tapered woodies... I wish I'd bought more.

I like the CCM 892, its very light so the stick feels balanced additionally hockeymonkey has a bunch of them.

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If you want a blade just to curve yourself I've always found that you could do just about anything to a christian blade. They may not be the best blades in the world but they will take mods better than anything else I've seen.

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