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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vma 04

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I just thought I would add, Hilary Duff's sister is hotter than she is. But hillary is still amazing.

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Are you kidding me? Puffy's a puss.

Puff Daddy is the biggest loser of them all. You should see him on a tv show where he like cuts people from rapping and singing and stuff. He is always like, "MAN YOU GOTTA BE SERIOUS". He thinks he is extremely cool and he is an idiot.

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I was flipping through the channels and caught a minute of the replay. Kanye got screwed on the Best Hip-Hop Video. Dionne is still really really hot.

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Jess simpson sang terribaly

She sounded like she had a cat stuck in her throat. Also I think the whole show sucked. Dave Chapelle wasn't even saying more than three lines. The teenagers in the crowd right next to the stage wouldn't shut up. Dave even pointed it out. It sounded like they didn't have microphones on thier speakers. yeesh..

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did any one notice the commercial about eminem's new CD. It comes out November 16. I can hardly wait. This CD can be nothing but great. What do you guys think?

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i agree hes a pussy but hes really powerfull, because of all the money he has and i dont think people wanna mess with him.

Tell that to Hulk Hogan

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Hey Puffy's the one that challenged him to a fight for $1 mil then wusses out when he comes up? I guess he's softened up since he had people killed.

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